Saturday, July 26, 2003 from July 2003: Semantic web - a fractal ongoing struggle toward greater consistency. 

Thoughts about from July 2003: Semantic web - a fractal ongoing struggle toward greater consistency. I want the semantic web to work.

I would love to see the semantic web emerge organically in an exoticly
beautifull fractal pattern out of the existing web - as though it had always
been there and is now just revealed by RDF and OWL.

I know the pre-semantic web works. And I think RDF and OWL will work.

But what I just can't yet see is how UUID-URIs in the semantic web have any
logical connection to HTTP-URIs in the pre-semantic web. To me there is a
wonderful, evocative, and metaphorical connection to HTTP-URIs that motivates
me to want to continue the search for a stronger connection.

For me the pre-semantic web is more of a system that does things than a
language that says something. This is what motivates me to learn and
experiment with the semantic web. I would like to work with a system with
the ubiquity, reach, simplicity and power of the web.


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