Monday, November 22, 2004

SkosDev/DodgeIdentity - ESW Wiki 

SkosDev/DodgeIdentity - ESW Wiki
From a philosophical point of view, some person wrote the description of URIA, and a different person wrote the description of URIB. If URIA denotes a concept in someone's head, and URIB denotes a concept in a different person's head, well how can we ever know they were thinking exactly the same thing?

So if URIA and URIB do not denote abstract concepts, what do they denote?

Well, what if we say that each of these URIs actually denotes a description of a concept?

This idea matches the desirable merging properties described above: if URIA and URIB both denote descriptions of a concept, even if they are both descriptions of the same concept, they are still disctinct resources, and so should not be merged.


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