Friday, October 14, 2005

Temporal Intelligence 

Temporal Intelligence: "There is a common misconception among GOFAI proponents that the brain somehow creates a model of the external world and uses this model to navigate and calculate outcomes. This could not be further from the truth. Consider that, in order to create a model of the world, the brain would have to first see the world. The problem is that it cannot see the world unless it first creates a model of it. This creates an infinite regress. The truth is that the brain only creates temporal correlations among sensory signals. That is all! What the brain sees is not the world but its own states. I realize that the illusion of seeing a world 'out there' is very powerful but it is false. The world we see is not 'out there' but 'in there.' All we can do is infer that there is a world 'out there.' We never see it."


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