Saturday, November 27, 2004

Structured Source Editing Evaluation Guide 

Structured Source Editing Evaluation Guide
"1.0 Introduction
Structured Source Editors (SSE) can be used to edit XML, HTML, XHTML, CSS, DTD, client-side JavaScript, and JSP 1.1, 1.2, and 2.0 with Java or server-side JavaScript. They are intended to provide all of the advanced features that Eclipse users appreciate in their editors: content assist, customizable highlighting, as-you-type validation, smart editing, integration with outline and property views and much much more.

In addition to the end-user features, the SSE editors are intended to be easy for others to re-use as the source page in multipage editors. One obvious example is as the source page of a WYSIWYG HTML editor. Programmatic interaction with the text model can be accomplished with standard Eclipse text document APIs (e.g. replace) or through standard DOM APIs. We provide a custom DOM implementation that tolerates ill-formed text and that allows for easy integration with other models.

An additional component provided is the Snippets view. This provides a type of "clip book" where plug-in providers and end-users can store their favorite bits of code to drag-and-drop into an editor.

The code in this initial proposed contribution is a snapshot "midstream" of our move to Eclipse 3.0. There are many bugs and much more to be done integrating with functionality provided in the base Eclipse text infrastructure. However, there's plenty to try out already. So give it a spin, and let us know what you like and don't like."


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